lunedì 17 Marzo 2025

[GenCon 2006]I vincitori degli degli Ennies 2006

Assegnati i prestigiosi Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards. Di seguito la lista dettagliata dei vincitori…

Best Fan Site
Silver: Farland

Best Art (Cover)
Presentato da Rich Burlew di Order of the Stick

Gold: Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved: Spell Treasury (Malhavoc Press)
Silver: Mastermind’s Manual (Green Ronin Publishing)

Best Art (Interior)
Presentato da Rich Burlew
Gold: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd ed. (Alderac Entertainment Group)
Silver: Mastermind’s Manual (Green Ronin Publishing)

Best Cartography
Presentato da Rich Burlew
Gold: Dragonlance: Tasslehoff’s Map Pouch: The War of the Lance (Sovereign Press)
Silver: The Shackled City Adventure Path (Paizo Publishing)

Best Production Values
Presentato da Keith Baker
Gold: Serenity RPG (Margaret Weis Productions)
Silver: A Game of Thrones (Guardians of Order)

Best Writing
Gold: Mage: The Awakening (White Wolf Publishing)
Silver: Pulp Hero (Hero Games)

Best Rules
Gold: Shadowrun 4th Edition (FanPro)
Silver: Mutants & Masterminds 2E (Green Ronin Publishing)

Best Adventure
Gold: The Shackled City Adventure Path (Paizo Publishing)
Silver: Pleasure Prison of the B’thuvian Demon Whore (Expeditious Retreat Press)

Best Adversary/Monster Product
Gold: Tome of Horrors 3 (Necromancer Games)
Silver: Iron Heroes Bestiary (Malhavoc Press)

Best Campaign Setting/Setting Supplement
Gold: The Shackled City Adventure Path (Paizo Publishing)
Silver: Freedom City 2E (Green Ronin Publishing)

Best Supplement
Gold: Dragon Compendium Vol. 1 (Paizo Publishing)
Silver: Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved: Spell Treasury (Malhavoc Press)

Best Aid or Accessory
Gold: Flip-Mat (Steel Sqwire)
Silver: The 13th Hour (Midnight Syndicate Soundtracks)

Best Free Product or Web-Enhancement
Gold: Age of Worms Overload (Paizo Publishing)
Silver: Mage the Awakening Demo (White Wolf Publishing)

Best Electronic Book
Sponsorizzato da
Gold: Baba Yaga; The First Setting in Rassiya (Dog Soul Publishing)
Silver: Truth & Justice (Atomic Sock Monkey Press)

Best Game
Gold: Mutants & Masterminds Second Edition (Green Ronin Publishing)
Silver: A Game of Thrones (Guardians of Order)

Best d20/OGL Product
Gold: Mutants & Masterminds Second Edition (Green Ronin Publishing)
Silver: A Game of Thrones (Guardians of Order)

Best Product
Gold: Shadowrun 4th Edition (FanPro)
Silver: Mutants & Masterminds, 2e (Green Ronin Publishing)

Fan’s Choice Best Publisher
Presentato da Peter Adkison
Gold: Green Ronin Publishing
Silver: Wizards of the Coast

Special Judges’ Award: Grognard Award
Per le case editrici che rappresentano il gioco vecchio stile.
Gold: Necromancer Games
Silver: Goodman Games

Special Judges’ Award: Innovation Award
Presentato da Jeff “Teflon Billy” Ranger
Gold: Dread (The Impossible Dream)
Silver: Truth and Justice (Atomic Sock Monkey)

Fonte: Gaming Report.

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