domenica 19 Gennaio 2025

I vincitori del SFSFW Award

La Society of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargamers ha decretato i vincitori della selezione per gli oscar nell’industria del wargame per la fantascienza e il fantasy. Full thrust si conferma miglior regolamento di fantascienza e troviamo assai interessanti le posizioni occupate dalle nuove societÓ.
Osserviamo pi¨ attentamente la lista dei vincitori…

Ecco la lista dei vincitori:

Best New Fantasy Wargames Rules:

  1. Warmachine (Privateer Press): 55%
  2. Legends of Araby (Amazon Miniatures): 27%
  3. Final Days (Kenzer and Company): 18%

Best New SF Wargames Rules:

  1. Firewall 2136AD (Wessex Games): 33%
  2. Power Projection Fleet (BITS): 25%
  3. Epic: Armageddon (Games Workshop): 18%

Best Fantasy Wargames Rules:

  1. The Lord of the Rings (Games Workshop): 28%
  2. Hordes of the Things (Wargames Research Group): 27%
  3. Warmaster (Games Workshop): 12%

Best SF Wargames Rules:

  1. Full Thrust (Ground Zero Games): 23%
  2. Iron Cow 2103AD (Wessex Games): 15%
  3. Stargrunt II (Ground Zero Games): 8%

Best Fantasy Miniature Manufacturer – 25mm or larger:

  1. Vendel: 21%
  2. Games Workshop: 20%
  3. Rackham: 15%

Best SF Miniature Manufacturer – 25mm or larger:

  1. Ground Zero Games: 28%
  2. Games Workshop: 21%
  3. = Copplestone Castings: 13%
    = Eureka: 13%

Best Fantasy Miniature Manufacturer – 20mm or smaller:

  1. Kallistra: 42%
  2. Games Workshop: 25%
  3. Pendraken: 19%

Best SF Miniature Manufacturer – 20mm or smaller:

  1. Brigade Models 32%
  2. Ground Zero Gamess: 29%
  3. Games Workshop 13%

Best Fantasy Accessory Manufacturer:

  1. Ainstry Casting Company: 27%
  2. Games Workshop: 20%
  3. Grendel: 15%
  4. Forgeworld: 16%

Best SF Accessory Manufacturer:

  1. Old Crow: 27%
  2. Ainstry Casting Company: 26%
  3. Ground Zero Games: 10%

Best Commercial Web Site:

  1. Brigade Models: 31%
  2. Games Workshop: 29%
  3. = Discount 5%
    = Foundry: 5%
    = Warmachine: 5%

Best Non-Commercial Web Site:

  1. The Miniatures Page: 38%
  2. SFSFW: 30%
  3. Major-General Tremorden 9%

Best Wargames Magazine:

  1. Ragnarok: 32%
  2. Miniature Wargames: 23%
  3. Wargames Illustrated: 20%

Best Service:

  1. Ground Zero Games: 14%
  2. Brigade Models: 13%
  3. Pulp Figures: 11%

Anche in questa occasione warmachine conquista i successi meritati!Da da pensare il fatto che Games Workshop non occupi la prima posizione per i produttori di miniature, ormai anche le altre societÓ sono pi¨ che competitive!
I complimenti a Full Thrust che si riconferma miglior regolamento da anni.

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