domenica 16 Marzo 2025

Annunciate le nomination per gli ENnie 2005

Come sempre accade prima della GenCon, ecco arrivare le nomination per gli ENnie Award. Di seguito la lista dei candidati nel mercato del gdr, i prestigiosi premi e i link per votare…

Best Fan Site
Honorable mention:

Best Cartography
City State of the Invincible Overlord (Necromancer Games)
Dungeons of Doom (Green Ronin Publishing)
e-adventure Tiles Dungeon Details vol 2 (Skeleton Key Games)
Temple Quarter: A City Quarters Sourcebook (The Game Mechanics)
World Map of Greyhawk (Paizo Publishing)
Honorable mention: Hudson City: The Urban Abyss (Hero Games)

Best Art, Cover
The Authority (Guardians of Order)
Beyond Countless Doorways (Malhavoc Press)
Blue Rose (Green Ronin Publishing)
Ex Machina (Guardians of Order)
Paranoia XP (Mongoose Publishing)
Honorable mention: Iron Kingdoms Character Guide-Full Metal Fantasy Vol 1 (Privateer Press)

Best Art, Interior
Dark Legacies Players Guide (Red Spire Press)
Dreaming Cities (Guardians of Order)
Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved (Malhavoc Press)
Vampire: the Requiem (White Wolf Publishing)
World of Darkness Ghost Stories (White Wolf Publishing)
Honorable mention: Ars Magica 5th Edition (Atlas Games)

Best Production Values
Ars Magica 5th Edition (Atlas Games)
The Authority (Guardians of Order)
Warhammer Fantasy RPG (Black Industries)
Werewolf: The Forsaken (White Wolf Publishing)
X-Crawl Color Edition (PandaHead Productions)
Honorable mention: Red Star (Green Ronin Publishing)

Best Writing
Iron Kingdoms World Guide: Full Metal Fantasy Vol 2 (Privateer Press)
Meddling Kids (Pandahead Productions)
Murchad’s Legacy (Parent’s Basement Games)
Valus (Different World Publications)
World of Darkness Core Book (White Wolf Publishing)
Honorable mention: Beyond Countless Doorways (Malhavoc Press)

Best Rules
Advanced Bestiary (Green Ronin Publishing)
Ars Magica 5th Edition (Atlas Games)
Blue Rose (Green Ronin Publishing)
Burning Wheel (Burning Wheel)
Capes (Muse of Fire Studio)
Honorable mention: The World of Darkness: Storytelling System Rulebook (White Wolf Publishing)

Best Adventure
DCC 11: The Dragon Fiend Pact (Goodman Games)
Maure Castle: Dungeon Magazine #112 (Paizo Publishing)
Slavelords of Cydonia (Bad Axe Games)
Trouble at Durbenford (Necromancer Games)
Villiany Amok (Hero Games)
Honorable mention: Danse de La Mort parts1-8 (White Wolf Publishing)

Best Adversary/Monster Product
Advanced Bestiary (Green Ronin Publishing)
Foes of Freedom (Green Ronin Publishing)
A Magical Soceity Beast Builder (Expeditious Retreat Press)
Monster Burner (Burning Wheel)
Old World Bestiary WFRP (Black Industries)
Honorable mention: Master and Minions 1: Swarm of Stirges (Behemoth3)

Best Campaign Setting/Setting Supplement
Black Company (Green Ronin Publishing)
Hudson City (Hero Games)
Iron Kingdoms World Guide: Full Metal Fantasy Vol 2 (Privateer Press)
Valus (Different World Publication)
X-Crawl Color Edition (PandaHead Productions)
Honorable mention: Valdorian Age (Hero Games)

Best Supplement
Advanced Gamemasters Guide (Green Ronin Publishing)
Beyond Countless Doorways (Malhavoc Press)
Dark Champions (Hero Games)
Temple Quarter: A City Quarters Sourcebook (The Game Mechanics)
Vampire: the Requiem (White Wolf Publishing)
Honorable mention: Werewolf: the Forsaken (White Wolf Publishing)

Best Aid or Accessory
Area of Effect Packages (Steel Sqwire)
Battlebox: Core Fantasy Set (Fiery Dragon Productions)
Conan Pocket Edition (Mongoose Publishing)
Dungeon Magazine (Paizo Publishing)
Future Tiles: Starships (Fiery Dragon Productions)
Honorable mention: Vampire: the Requiem Storytellers Screen (White Wolf Publishing)

Best Free Product or Web Enhancement
Danse de La Mort parts1-8 (White Wolf Publishing)
Dungeon magazine map and handouts (114-122) (Paizo Publishing)
Fort Griffin Echo Vol 1, number 1 (Dog House Rules) (Iron Crown Enterprises)
A Magical Society: Guide to Monster Statistics (Expeditious Retreat Press)
Honorable mention: Necromancer Games web page

Best Electronic Product
Sponsored by
Buy the Numbers (ST Cooley Publishing)
Counter Collection Digital (Fiery Dragon Productions)
Danse de La Mort parts1-8 (White Wolf Publishing)
Frontier town Ft Griffin (Dog House Rules)
PCGen 5.8.0 (PCGen)
Honorable mention: Campaign Suite Extended (Twin Rose Software)

Best Game
Ars Magica 5th Edition (Atlas Games)
Capes (Muse of Fire Studio)
Fireborn Players Handbook (Fantasy Flight Games)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying (Black Industries)
World of Darkness Rulebook (White Wolf Publishing)
Honorable mention: Burning Wheel (Burning Wheel)

Best d20 Game
Blue Rose (Green Ronin Publishing)
Castles & Crusades (Troll Lord Games)
Dawning Star: Operation Quick Launch (Blue Devil Games)
Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved (Malhavoc Press)
X-Crawl Color Edition (PandaHead Productions)
Honorable mention: Masque of the Red Death (White Wolf)

Best Publisher
Fiery Dragon Productions
Green Ronin Publishing
Necromancer Games
Paizo Publishing
White Wolf Publishing
Honorable mention: Guardians of Order

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