Di seguito trovate la lista dei vincitori dell’edizione 2007 dei prestigiosi ENnie Award. E’ evidente quanto sia stato apprezzato sia dalla critica che dai fan il lavoro svolto durante l’anno dalla Green Ronin che ha fatto man bassa di premi!
E complimenti anche alla Privateer Press che con il suo Five Fingers, Port of Deceit si รจ aggiudicata ben 4 premi, un bel successo se pensiamo che il suo maggior introito proviene dalle miniature e non dai gdr.
Quasi scontato il successo di Ptolus.
Ci ricordiamo che la lista delle nomination potete leggerla a questo indirizzo.
Ed ecco a voi la lista dei vincitori…
I vincitori degli ENnie Award 2007:
Best Fan Site, presentato da Russell Morrissey:
Silver: Planewalker
Gold: Dragonlance Nexus
Best PodCast, presentato da Dan Repperger di Fear the Boot:
Silver: Yog Radio
Gold: Have Games, Will Travel
Best Cover Art, presentato da Kevin Kulp:
Silver: Hollow Earth Expedition, by Exile Games Studio
Gold: Five Fingers, Port of Deceit, by Privateer Press
Best Interior Art:
Silver: Qin, by 7th Circle
Gold: Mutants and Masterminds, Ultimate Power by Green Ronin Publishing
Best Cartography:
Silver: WFRP GM Toolkit, by Black Industries
Gold: Ptolus, City by the Spire, by Malhavoc Press
Best Production Values:
Silver: Mutants and Masterminds, Ultimate Power, by Green Ronin Publishing
Gold: Ptolus, City by the Spire, by Malhavoc Press
Best Writing:
Silver: WFRP Children of the Horned Rat, by Black Industries
Gold: Five Fingers, Port of Deceit, by Privateer Press
Best Rules:
Silver: Spirit of the Century, by Evil Hat
Gold: Mutants and Masterminds, Ultimate Power, by Green Ronin
Best Adventure:
Silver: Mutants and Masterminds, Time of Vengeance, by Green Ronin Publishing
Gold: WFRP: Lure of the Liche Lord, by Black Industries
Best Setting, presentato da Keith Baker:
Silver: Five Fingers, Port of Deceit, by Privateer Press
Gold: Ptolus, City by the Spire, by Malhavoc Press
Best Supplement, presentato da Kevin Kulp:
Silver: Mutants and Masterminds, Ultimate Power, by Green Ronin Publishing
Gold: WFRP Companion, by Black Industries
2008 ENnies Judge Election, annunciato da Richard Miller:
Kathryn -Gertie- Barden (Xath)
Elizabeth Bauman (Queen_Dopplepopolis)
Chris Gath (Crothian)
Zachary Houghton (Zachary The First)
Kevin Kulp (Piratecat)
Best Aid or Accessory, presentato da Kevin Kulp:
Silver: GameMastery Combat Pad, by Open Mind Games/Paizo Publishing
Gold: Deck of Many Things, by Green Ronin Publishing
Best Miniature Product:
Silver: EZ Dungeons, by Fat Dragon Games
Gold: Game Mastery: Flip-mat Tavern, by Paizo Publishing
Best Regalia:
Silver: Liber Chaotica, by Black Industries
Gold: Order of the Stick, No Cure for the Paladin Blues, by Giant in the Playground
Best Free Product:
Silver: Classic Battletech Free Package, by Catalyst Games
Gold: Savage Tide Playerโs Guide, by Paizo Publishing
Best Electronic Book:
Silver: Magical Medieval Society: European Warfare, by Expeditious Retreat Press
Gold: Classic Battletech Free Package, by Catalyst Games
Best d20/OGL Product, presentato da Rodney Thompson di Wizards of the Coast:
Silver: Five Fingers, Port of Deceit, by Privateer Press
Gold: Mutants and Masterminds, Ultimate Power, by Green Ronin Publishing
Best Game, presentato da Rob Boyle of Catalyst Games:
Silver: Qin, by 7th Circle
Gold: Scion, Hero, by White Wolf
Product of the Year, presentato da Peter Adkison:
Silver: WFRP, Children of the Horned Rat, by Black Industries
Gold: Ptolus, City by the Spire, by Malhavoc Press
Fanโs Choice, Best Publisher:
Silver: Green Ronin
Gold: Wizards of the Coast