mercoledì 12 Marzo 2025

[Gen Con 2008] I vincitori degli Ennie AwardS 2008

La cerimonia di premiazione degli Ennie Awards si è conclusa. Vi riportiamo di seguito la lista dei vincitori. Notiamo subito che a fare incetta di premi quest’anno ci sono Changeling: The Lost e Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition, insomma tornano a vincere i leader del settore (White Wolf e WotC). Ma anche Paizo è stata apprezzata con il suo Pathfinder.

Best Fan Product
Gold: Animalball Games Podcast (

Silver: Flames Rising Dot Com.

Best Cover Art
Gold: Pathfinder #1: Burnt Offerings, Paizo Publishing.

Silver: Scion: God, White Wolf Publishing.

Best Interior Art
Gold: Changeling: The Lost, White Wolf Publishing.

Silver: Pathfinder #1: Burnt Offerings, Paizo Publishing.

Best Cartography
Gold: Pirate’s Guide to Freeport, Green Ronin Publishing.

Silver: DCC #51: Castle Whiterock, Goodman Games.

Best Production Values
Gold: Changeling: The Lost, White Wolf Publishing.

Silver: The Savage World of Solomon Kane, Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

Best Writing
Gold: Changeling: The Lost, White Wolf Publishing.

Silver: Trail of Cthulhu, Pelgrane Press.

Best Rules
Gold: Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition, Wizards of the Coast.

Silver: Trail of Cthulhu, Pelgrane Press.

Best Adventure
Gold: Pathfinder #1: Burnt Offerings, Paizo Publishing.

Silver: Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk, Wizards of the Coast.

Best Setting
Gold: Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer, Paizo Publishing.

Silver: Pirate’s Guide to Freeport, Green Ronin Publishing.

Best Adversary/Monster Product
Gold: Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Monsters Revisited, Paizo Publishing.

Silver: Elder Evils, Wizards of the Coast.

Best Supplement
Gold: True20 Companion, Green Ronin Publishing.

Silver: Hollow Earth Expedition: Secrets of the Surface World, Exile Games Studio.

Best Miniature Product
Gold: D&D Icons: Legend of Drizzt Scenario Pack, Wizards of the Coast.

Silver: Dragon Tiles: Forest Adventures, Fat Dragon Games.

Best Regalia
Gold: Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girls Guide to Dungeons & Dragons, Wizards of the Coast.

Silver: Hobby Games: The 100 Best, Green Ronin Publishing.

Best Aid or Accessory
Gold: Pathfinder Chronicles: Harrow Deck, Paizo Publishing.

Silver: Hero Lab, Lone Wolf Development.

Best Free Product or Web Enhancement
Gold: Pathfinder RPG Alpha, Paizo Publishing.

Silver: Changeling Quickstart, White Wolf Publishing.

Best Electronic Book
Gold: Book of Experimental Might 2, Malhavoc Press.

Silver: Changeling: Fearmaker’s Promise, White Wolf Publishing.

Best d20/OGL Product
Gold: Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition, Wizards of the Coast.

Silver: Monte Cook’s World of Darkness, White Wolf Publishing.

Best Game
Gold: Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition, Wizards of the Coast.

Silver: Aces and Eights, Kenzer & Company.

Product of the Year
Gold: Changeling: The Lost, White Wolf Publishing.

Silver: Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition, Wizards of the Coast.

Fan Choice Best Publisher
Gold: Paizo Publishing.

Silver: White Wolf Publishing.

Vi ricordiamo che potete leggere le nomination da qui.

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